Hoping for a 'going back to normal'
Just to introduce myself real quick: My name is Johanna, I’m 21 years old and I currently work as a volunteer at KulturLife where I will be completing my apprenticeship the next three years. In this following entry I’d like to report about how I personally experience(d) the corona pandemic situation.
I probably speak for the most of us if I say that I did not see that coming. I still remember the first time ever wearing a face mask to go grocery shopping and it was weird and uncomfortable. One week later it felt like I never went shopping any other way. First I was almost shocked by the news and the announcement of the strict regulations, it did not seem right for me. To be honest it almost reminded me of an apocalypse-movie at first (I must admit I tend to expect the possible worse though).
It got used to these new measures very quickly and I’m really surprised by that. It is almost hard imagining a life without the corona-regulations now and “going back to normal”.
I’m very glad about the loosened measures regarding to the contact restrictions, because not seeing my grandparents and the rest of my quite numerous family was tougher than I thought. This pandemic also made me realize who my real and close friends are and how important friendship really is. It also made me think about my priorities and the “appreciating the little things” even more. For example that health is the most valuable good and how important solidarity and consideration are especially in these unusual times. The initiative/project of German TV-channels “Zeit, die Dinge neu zu sehen” (eng.: time to see things in a new light) did also open my eyes.
My daily working routine is also affected: I do work in a room of my own now, not having the usual everyday conversations with one of my colleagues I used to have. I also used to enjoy sitting together at lunch with at least 4 people at one table. Getting a cup of coffee in the kitchen is a new challenge following the distance regulation. Nevertheless it is a good chance for me to learn more about online-meetings and the variety of digital possibilities since I wasn’t familiar with some programs before.
While writing the article about conspiracy theories currently present in Germany and all over the world I have to admit I caught myself questioning and mistrusting more than I used to. It showed me how much of an impact social media and various types of information currently present online have on me. It again showed me how important it is to listen and watch very carefully to who says what, where.
I also get excited about the daily “tagesschau” and new (valid!) information about the current situation because it brings a little bit of certainty day by day (which might explain its current very high ratings).
In addition I find it very interesting how this pandemic shows again that some people will always think differently, live in their own world, make their own decisions, have their own customized answers at hand and will find it hard to be part of a community that tries to pull at one string. I can imagine how hard it must be for some people in our society to keep a clear mind and live with this uncertainty, accepting not knowing exactly what is going to happen tomorrow.
This current situation really “catches” me since it affects the entire world population and we all have to be part of “the solution” by pulling at this string together. I personally keep in mind that there will be a “back to normal” sooner or later and until then I will try to stay strong and get through this pandemic as good as possible.